Will your MP pledge for neonatal leave?

Will your MP pledge for neonatal leave?

We need your support for the parents of over 90,000 babies born premature or sick every year.

For parents, the experience can be life changing and traumatic. Instead of taking their baby or babies home shortly after birth, they spend days, weeks or even months in hospital.

The lack of extra maternity and paternity leave means that many parents return to work while their babies are in hospital or before they are ready. Others get into debt to take time off work without pay.

Please help by writing to your MP and asking them to pledge support to introduce neonatal leave and pay.

We need your support for the parents of over 90,000 babies born premature or sick every year.

For parents, the experience can be life changing and traumatic. Instead of taking their baby or babies home shortly after birth, they spend days, weeks or even months in hospital.

The lack of extra maternity and paternity leave means that many parents return to work while their babies are in hospital or before they are ready. Others get into debt to take time off work without pay.

Please help by writing to your MP and asking them to pledge support to introduce neonatal leave and pay.

Email your MP

The government has repeatedly promised to give parents extra paid time off work if their baby or babies needs neonatal care. The government has once again failed to include neonatal leave in their plans for 2022/23 which were announced on Tuesday 10th May 2022.

Type your address in the box below to write to your MP and ask them to pledge their support for Neonatal Leave and Pay. 

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Your MP is more likely to pledge if they know why it matters to you. If you feel comfortable sharing your experience with your MP it will help them understand why extra leave for parents is so important.